How to Greenify Your Office Instantly
As the world continues to get older and technology advances, the sustainability of the environment is in the hands of humans. As a society, it is important to take small, simple steps in order to achieve a conscious environment. Your office can take on the pledge to becoming green as a team. Going green doesn’t have to take a lot of time and can be incorporated in your office instantly by taking these easy steps.
Buy Supplies in Bulk
The amount of packaging materials that shipping and handling come with is outrageous. By buying items such as snacks, supplies, and extras for your office in bulk, you can save money on shipping costs, but also help save cardboard and packaging material that is unnecessarily gone to waste. For example, you can stock up on office supplies for the whole year. This way you only have to place one order, compared to placing an order every month, saving you money and supplies.
Practice Saving Energy
Saving energy doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money. By simply encouraging everyone in the office to turn off their computers at the end of the day, energy can be conserved. It may not seem like it, but items continue to use energy and power when they’re not turned off the whole way. It’s also a good idea to unplug anything that is occasionally used in the office, such as kitchen utensils, printers/ copiers, and unused lights. Switching your light bulbs to LED lights is a conscious way to practice energy conservation as well. It can also save you money on your energy bill every month. Practicing these simple steps only take seconds to do, but will be able to help your office become sustainable.
Encourage Non-toxic Work Environment
Cleaning products are supposed to be a healthy way to kill germs, right? Not so much. There are many types of cleaning supplies that are filled with toxins, which can actually contribute harm to our bodies. Focus on sustainable cleaning products for your office in order to reduce pollutants. Adding plants and flowers to your office can also help pure the air within your office. You can even encourage to take on a commitment to a better world and better life by becoming a smoke-free workplace.
In the City of New York, it is now required to compost all food waste. Composting allows organic items such as food to be recycled and decomposed back into the environment for fertilization. By simply encouraging staff in the office to separate organic material into a separate bin, you’ll be on the road to a sustainable office. You can even keep a compost bin outside of your office next to garbage bins, or buy an odorless one here. You can also find out your state’s composting regulations here, and start composting today.