Why Switch to Renewable Energy?
Renewable energy is not a new concept and certainly has broken into the mainstream. More and more people are adopting alternate sources of power and working towards a healthier planet – one step at a time. With all this talk about energy, why are renewables so important? I’m glad you asked. Here are just a few of the major benefits of switching over to renewable energy.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Each and every one of us is responsible for some increase in carbon dioxide. We are living breathing things, so naturally, we are releasing carbon dioxide into the air just from living. This is not the issue. The earth is capable of working through the lower level of carbon dioxide. Unfortunately, cars, planes, and fossil fuels (among many other things) have continued to increase the amount of this “greenhouse” gas into the world. As the sun’s heat comes down onto earth, greenhouse gasses like carbon monoxide, trap the heat on earth and begin to warm the earth as a whole – having devastating effects on the ecosystem.
Making the switch to renewables reduces the amount of energy you collect from energy companies who increase our carbon footprint through burning coal. The less you rely on the grid, the bigger difference you can make.
Public Health
Currently, through the use of conventional energy collection, we are increasing pollution as well as greenhouse gasses. Burning coal for energy and using natural gas has been proven to deteriorate the air quality and pollute water sources. Pollution can come with many terrible public health issues. These contaminates lower our quality of life and can sometimes cause neurological damage, heart attacks, and cancer
Switching over to renewables in this instance will play a small, but pivotal role in the way our country consumes energy. As more and more people pull the plug on fossil fuels, we will continue to see the effects of global warming slow down the deterioration of our ecosystem and planet.
Unlimited Supply
If the first two reasons haven’t persuaded you yet, here’s something that might help seal the deal. Renewable energy is exactly what it sounds like. The energy that does not require fossil fuels will far outlive our current, dated energy production methods. The earth will run out of coal and natural gas someday, but the wind, sun, and water are here to stay.